Contact us
Contact us with questions through email or Facebook.
PO Box 413762
Kansas City, MO 64141
About the Kansas City Swingers Golf Association
The Kansas City Swingers Golf Association is a non-profit golf association generally organized to promote fellowship, harmony and fun through golf. Without limiting the organization to these generalities, the club purposes are:
To develop and maintain a positive status as a viable golf club among golfers, locally, regionally and nationally. This is accomplished through our annual golf benefit tournaments and by participation in local and regional golfing events.
To promote and foster the golf traditions of fun, fellowship, and friendly competition through league and tournament play. Invited guests and potential new members are encouraged to participate.
To generate continued interest and increase the knowledge of the “game” and rules of golf through social and business networking, particularly, between our youth and black community.
To support, through golfing activities, local community based organizations formed to enhance and strengthen the economic, social and/or educational well being of our community.